
Attention all Horse Owners

There is currently no threat to property and no evacuations have been ordered for residents, horses or other animals in the ACT.

EPIC will NOT be available for Horse Relocation from 5pm Saturday, 22 February to 5pm Thursday, 5 March 2020 due to the setup, operations and pack down of the Royal Canberra Show.

During this period The Queanbeyan, Braidwood, Bungendore and Hall Show grounds will be available.

The Queanbeyan showground is open during the day but generally be locked after hours so horse owners can call the Queanbeyan-Palerang Council on 1300 735 025 to gain access. The number will be answered during business hours and after hours the number will be directed to the on-call person.

If you arrive at the showground without notice you can text the Emergency Management Officer Lorrae Stokes on 0428 243 630 to register. Text your name and the number of horses you have.

The yards are easy to identify when you drive in if you follow the bitumen road. Use the entrance off Glebe street after hours to avoid traffic interruptions. During the day, you can also enter through the Cooma Road entrance.

PLEASE NOTE – Queanbeyan will not be available on the 1st March due to another event being held on this day at the grounds.

Hall, Braidwood and Bungendore Showgrounds will also be an option for temporary relocation.

If you relocate to any of these areas you will need to ensure that:

  • you are self sufficient
  • you must supply water/feed buckets and bedding,
  • you must have enough feed for 24 hours
  • you have any medication needed
  • horses are not left unattended.

You will not be charged for emergency accommodation if you are escaping disaster with your horses.
